Free speech and two Christian conservatives in the latest issue…

The latest issue of Premier’s Christianity magazine is out. I have three articles published:

Free Indeed? A in-depth exploration of free speech and whether Christians should care about protecting it. As with many features on current affairs and the church in the present time, the question of postmodernism and its effects on society is raised. Researching this took me into the history of the church as well as UK law, which I’ve reflected in the piece. Note that editing made it less clear that David Hilborn is commenting on postmodern ideas rather than expressing them himself – and he is the Academic Dean of LST.

Miriam Cates profile: my interview with the feisty Tory MP at the ARC conference in November.

Danny Kruger’s ‘Covenant’: a review of the Conservative MP’s recent book about community and politics from a socially conservative (ish) perspective