How should Christians respond to pressure from the secular world?

Christians are often in the news for expressing and acting on their traditional ethics – often for being sacked or “cancelled”. How should we respond to this kind of pressure? I wrote an article for Premier’s Christianity magazine, asking a range of Christian thinkers what they thought.

How can we reduce division in the church?

I think and write a lot about the culture wars, and how it is possible to cross the “divides” we find in our society. I believe it’s one of the most important tasks of the present, as if it gets worse then there will be serious consequences. I read an interesting book on this subject recently, by a psychologist who applied her craft to her experience of church. Have a read and let me know what you think.

Book review: Christ and the culture wars

Here’s a review of a recent book on the “culture wars” and identity politics by Ben Chang, for Christianity magazine. The book is about how modern social justice narratives may make evangelism a lot harder, and it presents some possible solutions. I’m not convinced it goes far enough. Have a read and let me know what you think!

To address tribalism in society, the church needs to unite

I’m enjoying writing regular articles for Premier’s Unbelievable ministry, the apologetics forum hosted by Justin Brierley. A recent discussion on tribalism and the culture wars got me thinking about the church’s own tribal behaviour – and what we should do about it! Take a look here.

What does the UK church really think about abortion?

I wrote a front cover piece for Christianity magazine on the issue of abortion – the first time I’ve really grappled with the subject. While writing it I did change my mind – it’s always interesting when that happens! I think I’d seen it as a bit of a lost cause, as the public is so pro abortion. However, I now feel more motivated to address the issue – with compassion. Take a look at the article here.

One important thing I learned. If you have had an abortion or played any role in one, or if you are pregnant and considering it, then there is a lot of help and support out there for you, without judgement. Feel free to comment here and I will try to signpost.

Stop worrying about new atheism, and start watching ‘woke’ atheism

I wrote a blog for Christianity magazine on the tenth anniversary of the ‘atheist bus’ campaign. This milestone made me think about how much has changed since then. While ‘new atheism’ seemed to be a threat to many Christians at the time, it’s since died down. But ‘woke’ atheism, or identity politics, that I’ve written about a few times recently, has surged in that time – and I think this is a trend that the church really needs to address.

Peacemaking, not politics, is what we need right now

The bitterness and rage that has followed the US mid-terms should make all Christians pause and reflect. Particularly if we are feeling those emotions towards the other political ‘side’. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the particular political issues, Jesus did not call us to be political prophets, righting the wrongs of the world. He called us to love, and he prayed for his church to be united. I wrote a blog for Christianity magazine to expand on these ideas.

Are the ‘culture wars’ coming to an end? (I hope so)

In writing up a summary of this week’s Southern Baptist Convention on homosexuality for Christian Today, I started to get hopeful. There’s a softening on the conservative side that suggests detente. The last thing Christians want to be involved with is war – and that includes the culture wars. Let’s hope and pray that we can all learn to love and respect one another, even when we disagree.

Political tribalism: whose side are you on?

I am interested in politics, but it worries me how tribal it is. As if one side has all the answers. I guess I used to be very tribal – a real leftie. But I’ve learned the error of my ways. Do you hate any political parties? UKIP? Socialists? Anyone?

It’s not that I don’t think Christians should be into politics, but the minute we start throwing stones at the other side, we need to stop and think. Here’s a comment piece I wrote for Christian Today: “Why political tribalism is bad for the soul”

One quote:

I don’t think it’s the political colour that matters – people just generally like to move in tribes, and once we are in that tribe, the terrible temptation is to condemn and look down on others. We all do it, but it poisons our hearts.